March 2010
Planted last fall/overwintered - collards; garlic; leek; shallots
LEFT 10' VERTICAL bed (not visible from these pics) - mom's medicinal Arnica patch; new crop strawberries (seascape); shallots planted last fall... later I will plant a new variety of Habanero pepper for dh's favorite jelly... RED!; one hill of Patty Pan summer squash; 2 basil; 2 marigolds; 2 Sugar Sweetie cherry tomatoes on rear trellis (yet to be built)
Left Dome - LEFT FRONT 4x4 bed - lettuce bed - Cosmo Savoy romaine-type; Speckles butterhead; Marvel of 4 Seasons; perennial variegated Sorrel (moved to this bed from other location)... will grow pickling cucs on a trellis later
Large Dome #1 - CENTER FRONT 4x8 bed - brassica bed - broccoli; cauliflower; collards; kale; kohlrabi; radishes; 1st crop beets... will grow mideast cucs on trellis later

BRICK COLD FRAME - currently hardening off parsley; new leek; calendula; celery
These plants are out in the garden now.
RIGHT FRONT 4x4 bed - new strawberries (seascape); walla walla onion starts; spinach direct sowed 3.21.10
RIGHT REAR 4x4 bed - celery; 1st crop carrots; cilantro - 1st and 2nd crops planted
RIGHT 4x8 vertical bed - garlic; leek (overwintered)... will grow tomatoes on trellises
CENTER REAR 4x8 bed - planted last fall - elephant garlic; 1st crop sugar snap and snow peas are up now; 1st crop of Cylindra beets are in; later will plant 2nd crop peas & spinach, swiss chard, more beets, plus some bush beans (lima beans, purple bush beans, wax bush beans) and perhaps some pole beans on the side trellises... although it's only been two years since the last run of pole beans here... so, we'll see if I can come up with an alternate space for those this year.
February 2010